
Raising creatively-smart kids!

Group 133
Raising creatively- smart kids

Why learning STEAM?

Developing both left and right brain simultaneously.

Brains are developing starting from the womb until 21 years of age. Especially in the first 6 years of age, brain cells are developing the most.
This is a great opportunity to maximize kids’ brain development during that period!

Which side should be developed? Both sides are important!
By combining all five subjects of STEAM, both sides of brain will be stimulated together.

Developing both left and right brain simultaneously.

Brains are developing starting from the womb until 21 years of age. Especially in the first 6 years of age, brain cells are developing the most.
This is a great opportunity to maximize kids’ brain development during that period!

Which side should be developed? Both sides are important!
By combining all five subjects of STEAM, both sides of brain will be stimulated together.

future-ready kids.

According to the National Education Association in US, applying STEAM Education will embrace the four primary skills needed for kids’ bright future, there are:

future-ready kids.

According to the National Education Association in US, applying STEAM Education will embrace the four primary skills needed for kids’ bright future, there are:

Kids loving it!

Kids are naturally curious about the world around them. They have so many Why(s) and How(s) while observing their surroundings. Science will answer all that 😊

When we combine Science with Technology, Engineering and Math, it will be even more fun and applicable. Kids learn how to be creative and innovative.

And lastly, adding the “Art” will make everything so colorful and wonderful! So yes, kids love STEAM learning!

Kids loving it!

Kids are naturally curious about the world around them. They have so many Why(s) and How(s) while observing their surroundings. Science will answer all that 😊

When we combine Science with Technology, Engineering and Math, it will be even more fun and applicable. Kids learn how to be creative and innovative.

And lastly, adding the “Art” will make everything so colorful and wonderful! So yes, kids love STEAM learning!






Awesome experiments
for 4-7 years old


Mind-blowing experiments
for 8-12 years old

What will you get?


Awesome experiments for 4-7 years old


Mind-blowing experiments for 8-12 years old

What will you get?

Junior Lab offers so many options of online classes that will fit your schedule! There are classes every Tuesday until Saturday for both Alpha and Beta program.

Prefer an independent learning?
That’s possible! We’ve prepared the video tutorial explaining the concept and how to do each experiment.

Junior Lab offers so many options of online classes that will fit your schedule! There are classes every Tuesday until Saturday for both Alpha and Beta program.

Prefer an independent learning?
That’s possible! We’ve prepared the video tutorial explaining the concept and how to do each experiment.

what parents say?


Satu-satunya les yang ngga bisa diskip minggu ini, Miss! Actually Ashton lagi ga enak badan, semalem demam, tapi tetep online mau bikin bapao😅

Seniat dan seserius itu 🥰🥰 Hari ini project favorite Nigel, so relaxing katanya.. Kreatif-kreatif banget hasil project-nya Junior Lab!

Naomi enjoy each and every class! Gak usa pake disuruh.. Kalau udah jamnya Junior Lab langsung siapin semua alat-alat sendiri!


Satu-satunya les yang ngga bisa diskip minggu ini, Miss! Actually Ashton lagi ga enak badan, semalem demam, tapi tetep online mau bikin bapao😅

Seniat dan seserius itu 🥰🥰 Hari ini project favorite Nigel, so relaxing katanya.. Kreatif-kreatif banget hasil project-nya Junior Lab!

Naomi enjoy each and every class! Gak usa pake disuruh.. Kalau udah jamnya Junior Lab langsung siapin semua alat-alat sendiri!

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